Thursday, May 6, 2010

Slaughter House Five Journal Entry

The quote that I have chosen from this novel is " You know- we've had to imagine the war here, and we have imagined that it was being fought by aging me like ourselves. We had forgotten that wars were fought by babies. "This statement is true in almost every battle scenario that has taken place over time. The older more powerful people up in government create problems and conflicts between countries, religions or even between two different races of people. Instead of engaging in the conflict themselves they call upon the younger more physically fit generation to go fight in conflicts that they themselves did not create. Out of some crazy idea that they are making a difference in the overall morality of the world. But in all actuality no matter how hard, brave and fierce you fight the goal you are trying to achieve is a utopia and simply does not exist. The utopia I am Referring to is a world without war. Everyone believes they have to fight for peace but the only way to achieve peace is to not fight at all. Almost everyone you talk to that has taken part in war will tell you it is a waste of time and it should have never taken place. Young people however don't listen to the words that lead them away from the exitment. They become entranced in the idea that has been put in there young minds by some higher athority war will be the best thing that ever happend to them. That is why I believe young people are the ones who take part in war while the older more powerful athority stands back and whatches the outcome.

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