Monday, March 29, 2010

This picture is one of the greatest depictions of evil that I could find. In this picture you see the Jesus Christ the purest human being in the world and they show a huge hand holding this large rectangular mallet with the numbers 666 on the head pounding the last breath of life out of Jesus Christ and as the hammer hits his chest large amounts of thick dark colored red blood scream out from where the spikes have been driven into the flesh on his wrists. His skin is savagely peeled back on his torso revealing parts of his lung and intestine and there are small rivers of blood pouring out of the wounds over the dark ghostly grain of the wood and finally pooling at its final destination which is the ground. The sky is as dark and cold as the deepest depths of the ocean. There are not only spikes holding him to the cross there are also large cold hard looking chains wound so tightly around his arms that his fingers have turned a murky gray color. Finally the look on Jesus's face as his last breath of air creeps out past his lips is one of pain and agony as he cry's out to the father in the sky " I am coming home to you father". But there is no reply and he is left to bleed out alone on the cross.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Instuctions on how to stay calm well driving

Have you ever found yourself driving down the street minding your own business following all the proper road rules and regulations and someone cuts you off without turning there signal light ? I think we all have, in this short piece of writing I will give you some tips on how to keep your blood from boiling and keep the profanity to a minimum. First when someone cuts you off instead of throwing up the bird and yelling something out your window. Number 1 when your driving in the city and around high volume of dumb drivers drive with your windows up this will take away your ability to yell notty things and other drivers. 2 if you need to do anything honk at them not for to long just a little honk to let them know that they are making bad driving decisions that is what the horn is for. 3 think of everyone that makes you angry well your driving as an elderly person because you wouldn't want to be flipping someones grandmother the bird. Finally last but not least sit back in your chair take some deep breaths those bad habits will soon catch up with those bad drivers.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

top 3 fighters of all time

I believe the greatest fighter of all time would have to be Muhammad Ali formerly known as Cassius Marcellus Clay jr. With a professional record of 61 fights in all, 57 of which were wins. 37 of them were by knock out. It wasn't just the numbers that made Muhammad the best fighter in my mind it was his pure and raw talent. He could knock a guy out colder then piss on a plate walking backwards. When his opponent no matter how big or strong this guy looked. They would have there vision fixated on his face throwing wild and fast punches he would simlpy bob his head around avoiding every punch like he was playing more then fighting and before you new it the guy was sleeping on the canvas. Muhammad Ali was one of the biggest trash talkers of all time aswell. In the preliminary interviews before his fights alot of the time he would describe to his opponent exactly how he was going to knock him out and when fight night came around he would do exactly that. He held the heavy weight champion ship belt twice in his career taking it for the second time from the heavy hitter George Forman. Making Ali my number one fighter of all time. The second greatest fighter of all time is Anderson Silva of the UFC. Silva is the current middle weight champion he holds a professional record of 25 wins with 4 losses. He also holds the record for the longest winning streak in the UFC with 10 consecutive wins. Anderson Silva even stepped up to the plate and went up a weight class to fight someone in the light heavy weight divison and came out the victor. Making anderson Silva the second greatest fighter of all time. Last but not least, the third greatest fighter of all time is BJ Penn holding a professional record of 15 wins with 5 losses. He also at one point held the lightweight belt and the welterweight at the same time. It is not just the numbers that make BJ Penn one of the greatest fighters of all time it is the fact that everytime he goes into the fight people question if he is gonna win or not and he always goes against the odds and wins the fight making BJ Penn the 3 greatest fighter of all time.